
Ayam Geprek Membaraa Web App - Frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ayam Geprek Membaraa Web, Front-End

Ayam Geprek Membaraa Web is a website specifically made for fulfilling the assignment Tech Milestone 2 of SPARTA 2018. This website is also made to tackle some problems of Ayam Geprek Membaraa, a restaurant on Jalan Gelap Nyawang, with a tech-based solution.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To get the website started you need to install npm, get npm here. Make sure it is installed on your machine by

npm -v


Get the development environment running by first cloning this repo,

git clone git@github.com:muhammadhasan01/Tugas-Tech-Milestone-2.git

then go to the directory,

cd Tugas-Tech-Milestone-2

then install the packages.

npm install

Run it with

npm start

You should get a website running in http://localhost:3000

Running the tests

After running the back-end application too, you should be able to interact with the website, use some of these premade credentials to login or signup yourself.

username password admin
spartahmif decrypt2018 true
normalperson 12345 False


Edit the homepage in the package.json file to match the path on the deployment server, and then build the application with

npm run-script build

Built With

  • npm - Dependency Management
  • React - The front-end web framework used
  • Node.js - The back-end server
  • mongoDB - Database
