
The backend server

Primary LanguageJavaScript

World Meme Bank

This repo contains a NodeJS world meme bank server project.


The World Meme Bank acts as a file storage, user database, and meme ownership server.



  • Node Package Manager (npm)
  • NodeJS
  • Unix Terminal
  • MongoDB

Starting Server

  1. Create a \data\db folder where you want your Mongo data to be stored.
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Run mongod --dbpath [path to \data\db folder]
  4. Open new terminal window
  5. Set working directory to the folder of this readme
  6. Run npm install to download neccesary packages
  7. Run node . to start the server
  8. To test navigate to localhost:3000/explorer

Installation Notes

The default port for MongoDB is 27017 which is also the port this app is configured to use.


If you have contributed to this project, please add your accounts in the format: git-account (reddit-account)

  • calebfroese (frosteesnoman)
  • itsmehemant123 (lyricballoon80)
  • aaruel