
Crawl instagram photos, posts and videos for download.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Instagram Crawler

Gem Version Maintainability Build Status Coverage Status security MIT licensed

The easiest way to download instagram photos, posts and videos.

Instagram Crawler is a ruby gem to crawl instagram photos, posts and videos for download.


$ gem install instagram-crawler

Setting env variable

export sessionid=[your instagram sessionid]

Getting Started

Show all file link

-u || --user_name

instagram-crawler -u <user_name>

Download files after this date (YYYYMMDD)

-a || --after

instagram-crawler -u <user_name> -d -a 20181120

Generate log file

-l || --log

instagram-crawler -u <user_name> -l


instagram-crawler -h | --help

  instagram-crawler [options]
  See https://github.com/mgleon08/instagram-crawler for more information.

    -u, --username USERNAME          Instagram username
    -d, --download                   Download files
    -a, --after DATE                 Download files after this date (YYYYMMDD)
    -l, --log                        Generate a log file in the current directory
    -v, --version                    Show the instagram-crawler version
    -h, --help                       Show this message


# make sure already setting env variable
# you can setting sessionid in local use $sessionid or pass sessionid to docker
# $PWD/instagram-crawler is file store path

# pull image
docker pull mgleon08/instagram-crawler

# docker run
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/instagram-crawler:/instagram-crawler -e sessionid=$sessionid --name marvel mgleon08/instagram-crawler -u marvel -a 20181124 -d -l


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mgleon08/instagram-crawler/pulls


  • Copyright (c) 2018 Leon Ji. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
  • The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.