Open Source Love  Hits

📓 Golang Fundamentals

Repository ini berisi catatan-catatan untuk belajar bahasa pemrograman golang yang paling dasar.

berikut listnya :

  • hello world
  • number
  • boolean
  • string
  • variable
  • constant
  • conversion
  • type declarations
  • operations(math, comparation, and boolean)
  • array
  • slice
  • map
  • if expression
  • switch expression
  • for loops
  • break
  • continue
  • function
  • function parameter
  • function return value
  • function return value
  • function return multiple value
  • function return named value
  • variadic function
  • function as value
  • function as parameter
  • function anonymous
  • function recursive
  • closures
  • defer
  • panic
  • recover
  • struct & struct function / method
  • interface
  • interface kosong
  • nil
  • interface error
  • type assertions
  • pointer
  • pointer in function
  • pointer in method / struct
  • package & import
  • access modifier
  • package initialization & blank identifier
  • package OS
  • package flag
  • package strings
  • package strconv
  • package math
  • package container/list (need to explore about double linked list)
  • package container/ring (need to explore about circular list)
  • package sort
  • package time
  • package reflect
  • package regexp