User Messenger
User Massenger is a simple web application to demonstrate permission management using PHP. It does following things
- Create a new user [Admin]
- Update His own profile information [User]
- Update any user’s profile information [Admin, Manager]
- Post a message [User]
- Delete Any message [Admin]
- Delete Own message [Admin]
- Block User [Manager, Admin]
- View All users [User, Manager, Admin]
There are three roles of user
- Admin
- Manager
- User
How to install on localhost
Linux(Ubuntu/Mint) and MacOS
- Copy all the contents to /var/www/html/usermsg (Linux) or /Library/WebServer/Documents (MacOS)
- Import database from file myAssignDb.sql using phpMyAdmin
- Update the database connection information in the file functions.php. -- Find a function name connectdB() -- Update following code as per your localhost setup
- Now type localhost/usermsg to run the application in your browser.
Default Users (Login Details)
- useradmin (Admin) Password: 12345@Admin
- salman (User) password: 12345@Salman
- mgr (Manager) password: 12345@Mgr
Note: Best viewed in Firefox 54 and Google Chrome 58