
A simple current 5 day weather forecasting App using react and redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A simple current 5 day weather forecasting App

Live Demo


Instruction for running app on localhost

  1. Open your terminal and clone the app using command git clone https://github.com/muhammed-salman/weather5days.git
  2. Type cd weather5days to get inside the directory.
  3. Now type npm install
  4. After the installation of required node_modules type npm run start
  5. Now the application can be accessed on localhost:3050

Following scripts are available in the project

usage: npm run <script_name>

  1. start: To run project on localhost:3050
  2. test: To test the App using mocha
  3. test:watch: To continously run the test while modifying files.
  4. clean: To remove the production build code
  5. build: To create a production build for deployment
  6. serve: To run webpack development server
  7. deploy: To deploy the App to github pages [Please change the repo url using git remote command before deployment (you can't push to my repo ;) )]

What can be done with more time

  • App can be made responsive
  • Detailed test cases can be written for each component
  • UX can be improved
  • Weather forecasting can be displayed for mutiple days and more information can be displayed
  • I think some sort of analytics can also be done

** I'will update if I get more ideas **