
A very basic meeting app.

Primary LanguageJava


A very basic meeting app.

Used Technologies

  • Spring Boot
  • RESTful
  • JPA (Hibernate)
  • Maven
  • H2
  • Mockito
  • AssertJ

RESTful Api

  • GET to /{domain}/{id}: Returns the entity that id represents.
  • POST to /{domain}/: Creates entity with the submitted data.
  • PUT to /{domain}/{id}: Updates the entity that id represents with the submitted data.
  • DELETE to /{domain}/{id}: Deletes the entity that id represents.
  • GET to /{domain}/: Returns all entities for related domain.

domanin = meeting, department, employee

  • PUT to /{domain}/{id}/{secondarydomain}/{id2}: Adds the entity that id2 represents to the entity that id represents as relation.
  • DELETE to /{domain}/{id}/{secondarydomain}/{id2}: Removes the entity that id2 represents from the entity that id represents as relation.
  • GET to /{domain}/{id}/{secondardomain}/: Returns all relational entities for related domain and secondarydomain.

domain == meeting and then secondarydomain = department

domain == department and then secondarydomain = emmployee

Setting Up

Run this command:

mvn spring-boot:run

and then server is up at port 8080.

To run tests:

mvn test

H2 is embedded and runs in cache. If you don't want to lose your data when server shuts down, configure application to your needs.

Used Technologies

  • React
  • PrimeReact
  • FontAwesome
  • SuperAgent
  • npm

Setting Up


npm install

To run the app in development mode:

npm start

The app will be available at http://localhost:3000.

To build the app for production:

npm run build