
🍕 A small app with capabilities ordering food and listing them with pub/sub pattern

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

A small app with capabilities ordering food and listing them.


Run Tests

docker-compose run --rm web ./manage.py test

Initialize the project

Start the dev server for local development:

docker-compose up --build

Create a superuser to login to the admin:

docker-compose run --rm web ./manage.py createsuperuser

Initialize database with example data:

docker-compose run --rm web ./manage.py initialize_data

Accessing App

After initializing the project, you access;

The app through 0:8000

The documentation through 0:8001

See Code Style

See code coverage report:

docker-compose run --rm web coverage run manage.py test
docker-compose run --rm web coverage report

See flake8:

docker-compose run --rm web flake8

See black:

docker-compose run --rm web black --check . # Just control and print will be formatted files
docker-compose run --rm web black .         # Reformat all files with the rules of pyproject.toml

The project doesn't use pre-commit, but if needed it can be used with the config files.