
Check it out: https://my-swoleness-pal.herokuapp.com

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📝 My Swoleness Pal 📈


This is a web app that allows users to create custom workout routines and track their progress.

Create an account, make a routine, and log your progress during each workout. Using the Meteor framework for NodeJS, the application can work both on your computer as well as mobile device.

The ability to move seemlessly between computer to mobile, is what makes our app ideal for those looking to get in shape. Spare your thumbs by navigating to our webpage on your home computer to make a routine. And when you're ready to hit the gym, use the mobile app to log your progress between each set.

Please try out the deployed app in Heroku, found here.

Please log in with the username: sample and password: sample.


Tyler Geerdts - Lead Backend Developer / Project Manager

Tom Thompson - Lead React Developer / Android DevOps

Muhammet Aydin - Lead Designer / Meteor Developer

Krishna Yellayi - Lead UI Designer / React Developer


On the Front End, the app uses React JavaScript Framework with React Router and Redux. And for styling, the Material-Ui Component Library and React Grid System were used.

On the Back End, the app uses the Meteor Framework for NodeJS. Within Meteor, we persist data using MongoDB and call upon the accounts-ui package for user authenication. Naturally, Express is used as the router, and bcrypt-nodejs for hashing user passwords.

Cloning down the repo

If you wish to clone the app down to your local machine...

  1. Ensure that you have MongoDB set up on your laptop * An amazing repo to get you started with that can be found here.
  2. Also ensure that you have Meteor installed on your laptop * Visit https://www.meteor.com/ to download a copy.
  3. Once you are set up, cd into this repo and run meteor npm install.
  4. Afterward, run meteor in Terminal to start up the app.
  5. Then, navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser.


Landing Page


Create Routine

Create Workout

Select Workout

Select Workout

Log Workout

Log Workout

User Profile

User Profile

Dashboard (Shows User Progess)


Download to Android

The app can be compiled down to your Android device by following these steps:

  1. Connect your Android Device to your laptop.
  2. Ensure that your Android device has "USB debugging" enabled.
  3. To enable Step 2, please refer to this Stack Overflow Question.
  4. Then cd into this repo on your laptop.
  5. In terminal, run MONGO_URL="mongodb://tom:12345678@ds131099.mlab.com:31099/heroku_1kd2vdn1" meteor run android-device --mobile-server=https://my-swoleness-pal.herokuapp.com
  6. If it worked properly, you should now have the app on your mobile device.

If you are curious about the MONGO_URL, note that it was created by the following steps:

  1. Navigating to the app in the Heroku Dashboard.
  2. Under the "Installed add-ons", selecting "mLab MongoDB".
  3. This will take you to the mLab webpage, where you would click "Users".
  4. Then selecting, "+ Add database user" and filling out the form.
  5. Notice how the username and password are part of the MONGO_URL.
  6. Notice how the top of the page has a "To connect using a driver via the standard MongoDB URI" link.
  7. These parameters were passed into the following format... MONGO_URL="mongodb://<username>:<password>@<mlab url>.mlab.com:<portnumber>/<dbname>" meteor run android-device --mobile-server=https://<appname>.herokuapp.com

Note that as of 2021, mLab has been replaced with Mongo Atlas.

2021 update

MONGO_URL was created on MongoDB atlas using the following steps

  1. Creating a MongoDB atlas account
  2. Click Create New Project to create new Atlas project
  3. In your new project click Create New Cluster
  4. Once Cluster is created with new users click on connect
  5. Select connect from application to get the specific MONGO_URL
  6. MONGO_URL is in the following format MONGO_URL="mongodb://<username>:<password>@<atlas url1>:<portnumber>,@<atlas url2>:<portnumber>,<atlas url3>:<portnumber>/<dbname>?ssl=true&replicaSet=<replicaSetName>&authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority" meteor run android-device --mobile-server=https://<appname>.meteorapp.com