Notes for Localization for File

For localization, you can translate your files to the language you want, following the spelling convention in the example.

Example usage

Add the following markers to the beginning of the text you want to translate

For example, we have a title feature

title: Sample message
x-title-i18n: Sample message
  x_tr: Örnek Mesaj
  x_zh: 样本信息
  x_ru: Образец сообщения

Use for long translations

title: |

    Long sample message
«x»-title-i18n: |
    Long sample message
  «x»_tr: |
    Uzun örnek mesaj
  «x»_zh: |
  «x»_ru: |
    Длинный образец сообщения

important in this use, use uppercase x when you get to the last dialing line. Like «X»

Method use

If you want to use it as a method

String yamlPath = "path/example.yaml";
yamlConfig.convertYaml("tr", yamlPath, "translatedYamlName");

To run using JAR

java -jar sdbn-apis-localization-1.0.jar yamlName.yaml tr 

When you run the command, translated yaml will be created for you and it will generate translated yaml filename for you

File reading and saving path : "../build/api/"
