
-Team Members

  • Team Leader : Muhannad Ibrahim Ali

  • Team Member : Mostafa Hassan Helal

  • Team Member : Omar Nader

-Problem Statment

the idea: For helping blind people to know who is behind their doors.


By taking a photo of faces of people (behind the door) and trying to recognize those people and saying their names (e.g. Muhannad behind the door) and if there is a stranger then it will say it’s a stranger so that the user (a blind person) could take care. then ask the user to write her/his name and then the program will add her/his name with her/his photo to database of known people so that the app could recognize her/him next time.



-Working Prototype


-Steps to run the software

0- Clone the project and select "main" branch

1- Install(face_recognition, tkinter, numpy, PIL, cv2, gtts, mysql.connector, os, sys, BytesIO, datetime) libraries

2- Open MYSQL server (EX. from XAMPP or Wamp) and Create local database('People')

3- Open CMD or powershell in the project directory and RUN the command (python project_6.py)

4- From GUI enjoy with the program :"D