
Project to use LLMs for better surveying.


You will need git, Python and pip installed on your computer.

  1. Clone this github repository into your preferred location.
git clone
cd robo-enumerator

If you have conda installed (preferred method, see installation instructions here):

  1. Create a conda environment for this project and install project requirements.
conda create -n robo-enumerator -c conda-forge python=3.9 -y
conda activate robo-enumerator
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you do not have conda installed, we can use python virtu al environments. (Less preferred just because I am not developing with this as the default. I'll try to make both solutions work equivalently.)

  1. Create a venv virtual environment.
python -m venv project_env
source project_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

OpenAI Configuration

My code assumes that you keep your openai API key in a file called ~/.cfg/openai.cfg that has the followings tructure:


Let me know if you have any questions about this or if this causes issues--I can make this code more flexible.

Wandb Configuration

This project uses weights and biases to track experiments (although, this behavior can be disabled). If you don't already have one, create an account and get access to this project from me.


Short version, assuming you are already cd'd into this repository and you have the correct python environment activated:

cd prompt_development

This will begin the session using the system instructions contained in prompt_development/prompts/system_instructions.txt. I'll be working on some more modular logic for this prompt so that we can separate out the questions into another file.

Current structure:

├── prompts
│   └── system_instructions.txt