
Attending Mobile app Hackathon? Start here ;)

Primary LanguageC#

How to win Mobile App hackathons?


  • Use Xamarin.Forms

  • Incorporate Maximum Plugins and Existing Libraries to do heavy lifting

  • Keep these libraries in mind

  • Start Simple and add features one by one. Make sure you have MVP (Minimum Viable Product) ready for presentation.

  • Use version controlling like git to revert back when you mess things up :D

    System.Net.Http for consuming API services
    NewtonSoft.Json for serializing and deserializing data to and from JSON (Javascript Object Notation)
    Xamarin Plugins Ecosystem for pretty much every tasks like Media Picker, Connectivity, Maps, and much more which otherwise will take you a lot of time)

    For this sample I will be using Media Plugin which helps to select photos from gallery or camera.

Dont's or Warnings

  • Don't go overboard in implementing unwanted logics like Login - Registeration flows, Keep it simple.
  • Focus on having a decent UI with simple flow, your coding and logic counts, but everything will be based on how smooth the flow and UI is during presentation.