

Primary LanguagePython

TheBrain - Matching facebook pages about to News Categories

A simple Flask application that can serve predictions from a scikit-learn model. Reads a pickled sklearn model into memory when the Flask app is started and returns predictions through the /predict endpoint. You can also use the /train endpoint to train/retrain the model. Any sklearn model can be used for prediction.


  • scikit-learn
  • Flask
  • pandas
  • numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt


/predict (POST)

Returns an array of predictions given a JSON object representing independent variables. Here's a sample input:

{"pages":["about1", "about2","about3"]}

and sample output:

  "business": 1.6483516483516483,
  "entertainment": 1.8131868131868132,
  "politics": 2.6373626373626373,
  "sports": 2.1703296703296706,
  "tech": 5


https://github.com/amirziai/sklearnflask for Flask and Sklearn