
Generic convolutional neural network for audio classification with spectrograms

Primary LanguagePython


Generic convolutional neural network for audio classification with spectrograms.
Developed in Pytorch

classification.py: main script to run classification
audiocnn.py: model architecture is kept here
params_and_dataloader.py: argparse variables initialized here. Contains the dataloader method which imports from imgfoldergreyscale.py. As the name suggests this dataloader is modified from the folder method in the Pytorch repo to read in greyscale (single-channel) images.

Example use:

To continue training with a 2D CNN from an existing checkpoint. Training images kept in /data/train and test images in /data/test

python classification.py --trainfolder ./data/train --testfolder ./data/test --outfolder 2d --orientation 2D --l1channels 18 --l2channels 36 --l3channels 72 --num_epochs 31 --kernelsize 11 --cnn ./2d/2017-12-07_13-31-05_cnn_epoch20.pth