Streamlit Training Workflow

Working on Streamlit with Fahmi, Data Scientist from Invoke.

Initial Setup

  1. Create a file on GitHub.
  2. Create a file on desktop.
  3. Git clone file on GitHub into file on desktop.
  4. Open folder on desktop in VSCode.
  5. Create virtual environment and activate it.
  6. Navigate to the directory file in VSCode.

Git Commands

  • cd: Change directory.
  • cd ..: Move back to the previous directory.
  • ls: List directories.
  • tree /F: Display directory structure.
  • git status: Check status of files in the repository.
  • git add .: Add all changes to staging.
  • git commit -m "feat: add new function": Commit changes with a message.
  • git push: Push changes to remote repository.
  • git pull: Pull latest changes from remote repository.
  • git checkout main: Switch to the main branch.
  • git checkout -b dev_razin: Create and switch to a new branch named "dev_razin".
  • git branch -r: List remote branches.