
Git and Github onboarding assignment. Create a simple apps with Streamlit.

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Git and Github Assignment

Congratulation for successfully completed the Git and Github onboarding session. 🎉

For this assignment, you are require to create a simple application in order to practice the Git knowledge that you have learned. Practice make perfect, right?

🚨 Read the Objective before you go straight to the Project Details.


  1. To implement the Git and Github knowledge in application development.
  2. To implement Git commit convention.
  3. To learn fundamentals of application deployment.
  4. To learn software engineer adaptation practices.
  5. To learn about Pull Request and code review.
  6. To implement modularization and single responsibility design (SOLID).
  7. To write a well-documented applications.

Project Details


By using Streamlit framework, create an application that has basic calculator features.


  1. Fork this repository and clone the repository.

  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it before start installing project packages. Read more

  3. Develop calculator app should have the following features:

    • Addition feature- adding 2 numbers
    • Substraction feature- substracting 2 numbers
    • Division feature- dividing 2 numbers
    • Multiplication feature- multiplying 2 numbers
  4. Deploy your apps on Streamlit Cloud.

  5. Share the deployed apps URL in the Pull Request.


  1. Your application should have Titles and necessary UI cosmetics.

  2. Your repository should have the following file structure (you can add more necessary files):

    	|-- README.md
    	|-- .gitignore
    	|-- LICENSE
    	|-- requirements.txt
    		|-- main_ui.py				
    		|-- calculator.py			
    		|-- utils.py			
    Files Description
    main_ui.py user-interface (streamlit)
    calculator.py backend function
    utils.py helper function
    requirements.txt list of libraries
  3. Your functions or methods should be within your palm size.

  4. Your apps should use modularization by separating function into smaller size.

  5. Your function should have docstrings and necessary comments.

  6. Your application should be friendly user.


  • You git this! Use git add, git commit, git push, git pull.
  • Clear message is important. Use git commit convention.
  • Avoid global pollution. Use virtual environment.
  • Hell no scripts chaos! Implement modularization.
  • Serve your app. Implement user interface from Streamlit.
  • Help your future self! Write well documented functions (dostring)