
Primary LanguagePython


Allows viewing and managing Nginx configuration files. It simplifies the relationship between sites_available and sites_enabled and makes it easy to manage.



Step 1: Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/aykutkardas/nginx-cli

Step 2: Install dependencies

pip install

Step 3: Added alias

echo "alias ngx=\"python `python ./main.py setup`\"" >> ~/.bashrc


List all configurations with their statuses

ngx list
| Conf File Name  | Status |
| default         | enable |
| github.com.conf | enable |
| google.com.conf |        |
| test.conf       |        |

Enable a configuration. This adds a symlink of the enabled configuration file to the sites_enabled directory.

ngx enable -n test.conf
| Conf File Name  | Status |
| default         | enable |
| github.com.conf | enable |
| google.com.conf |        |
| test.conf       | enable |

Disable a configuration. This deletes the symlink of the disabled configuration file from the sites_enabled directory.

ngx disable -n test.conf
| Conf File Name  | Status |
| default         | enable |
| github.com.conf | enable |
| google.com.conf |        |
| test.conf       |        |