
A hands on practice on microservice architecture using Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Docker

A hands-on project on microservice Architecture with Java, Spring, and Docker

In this project, I've learned microservice best practices with the latest technologies.

Topics Covered

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Cloud (Config, Gateway, Netflix)
  • The 12-factor App
  • Docker and DockerHub
  • Resilience4j
  • Zipkin
  • Micrometer
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Apache Kafka
  • Connected with MySQL server running as a container
  • Used FeignClient to invoke other microservices (card service and loan service)
  • Connected with config server to get all configurations for all environments
  • Implemented Netflix Eureka Client for service registration with the Eureka server
  • Distributed tracing and log aggregation
  • Monitored microservices metrics & health using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Integrated Apache Kafka to save account info

Kind of the same implementation as the accounts service

Kind of the same implementation as the accounts service

  • Load all configuration from a GitHub repository
  • Served properties based on the environment
  • RefreshScope for configuration changes with spring cloud bus(rabbitmq)
  • Encrypt or Decrypt properties in config server
  • Treated as service discovery where other microservices will be registered with it
  • Other microservices can locate each by using Eureka Server
  • Microservices/clients will send their heartbeats at regular intervals to the central server about their health
  • Known as API gateway implemented using spring cloud gateway
  • Handled custom routing requirements from a central place

About Kafka Integration

For simplicity, I've used Kafka producer & consumer in account-service. Created a rest endpoint to save account info in the database. The Kafka producer writes an event into a topic when a client hit the endpoint, and the Kafka consumer consumes the event and writes data into the database.

Docker Compose

  • Maintained docker-compose file for dev and prod environment
  • Run all related services in a sequential manner using a single command

Some Maven Commands I've Used

Maven Command Description
"mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true" To generate a jar inside target folder without executing any tests.
"mvn spring-boot:run" To start a springboot maven project
"mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dmaven.test.skip=true" To generate a docker image using Buildpacks. No need of Dockerfile

Some Docker Commands I've Used

Docker Command Description
"docker build . -t codelabs/accounts" To generate a docker image based on a Dockerfile
"docker run -p 8081:8080 codelabs/accounts" To start a docker container based on a given image
"docker images" To list all the docker images present in the Docker server
"docker image rm image-id" To remove one or more images for a given image ids
"docker ps" To show all running containers
"docker ps -a" To show all containers including running and stopped
"docker container start container-id" To start one or more stopped containers
"docker container stop container-id" To stop one or more running containers
"docker container rm container-id" To remove one or more containers based on container ids
"docker compose up" To create and start containers based on given docker compose file
"docker compose stop" To stop services