Movie Review Application

This is an Android application designed to get movies from the API. The app allows users to sign up, and sign in including biometric authentication.


  • Users can sign up and sign in. Biometric sign in also implemented.
  • Users can search for movies using keywords(for now titles containing love).
  • Movies will appear that are released after the year 2000.
  • Movies are ordered by their release year lowest to highest.
  • Added on scroll pagination to fetch movies by calling API

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin as the primary programming language used for development.
  • The application is developed using the Android Studio IDE.
  • Room as the local database to store user data
  • MVVM design pattern is used to develop this application
  • Retrofit has been used to call REST APIs
  • For dependency injection Hilt has been used.
  • Glide is used to fetch movie posters based on a URL.


  1. git clone
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Build and run the project on an Android device or emulator.