
Admin Template base on Vue StarAdmin with improved on design and served using Nuxt.js

Primary LanguageVue

Nuxt Star Admin

Admin Template base on Vue StarAdmin with improved on design and served using Nuxt.js


Nakama Design always try to aware with other developer needs, a few weeks ago we found Vue StarAdmin and we think can contribute on the project. So, we create this boilerplate that can use Vue StarAdmin on Nuxt.js too.

Also, you can use this boilerplate personally or for your company too. Feel free to create issue if you have any problem. Or, you can contact us on e-mail at we.are@nakama.design.


You can clone this project using Vue CLI with command below.

vue init nakama-design/nuxt-star-admin-extra project-name

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn run build
$ yarn start

# generate static boilerplate
$ yarn run generate


  • Create base template using latest Nuxt
  • Add Bootstrap Vue, Nuxt PWA & Nuxt Axios
  • Implement Vue StarAdmin on template
  • Fix any Prettier Error & Warning
  • Add Element-UI with global component
  • Add base ChartJS using Vue ChartJS
  • Create base reusable Chart component
  • Add more example for Forms
  • Add more example for Charts
  • Add more example for Cards

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout Nuxt.js docs.


This boilerplate under MIT License