
SUSTech CS303 Artificial Intelligence Lab 2: Capacitied Arc Routing Problem.

Primary LanguagePython

A Solution to CARP

SUSTech CS303 Artificial Intelligence Lab 2: Capacitied Arc Routing Problem.


  • Path scanning with 5 rules
  • Path scanning with basic randomizations
  • Path Scanning with Ellipse Rule


  • Tabu Search

How to use:

git clone https://github.com/yanxiangyi/CARP


python2 CARP_solver_submit.py CARP_samples/egl-s1-A.dat -t 60 -s 2333

More Info:

-t is followed by the time in sec you intend to run this program

-s is followed by the random seed you intend to set to this program

Python Version: 2.7.12