Reinforcement Learning for Capacitated Arc Routing Problems

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Learning for Capacitated Arc Routing


  • Python 3.6
  • pytorch>=1.0
  • matplotlib

To install dependencies, navigate to this folder and run pip install -r requirements.txt

To train a new model

A new model can be trained by running the trainer.py file. Various arguments can be passed for training as needed:

  • seed : Random seed
  • checkpoint : Link to the actor/critic checkpoints
  • test : Flag to set the mode to Testing instead of Training.
  • nodes : Number of nodes to train for (Can be 10, 20, 50 or 100)
  • actor_lr : Learning rate for the actor
  • critic_lr : Learning rate for the critic
  • max_grad_norm : Value for clipping the gradient
  • batch_size : Training/Testing batch size
  • hidden : Number of hidden layers to be generated
  • dropout : Value for dropout between NN layers
  • layers : Number of layers in the NN
  • train_size : Number of examples to be trained on
  • valid_size : Number of examples to be validated on
  • epochs : Number of epochs to train for

To run the problem with the default set of arguments, run python trainer.py

However, based on the system used, various parameters may have to be changed. Try reducing the number of training examples (train-size), batch size (batch_size), validation size (valid-size), and epochs (epochs) if the system crashes or if it takes too long to run.

To test a pre-trained model

In order to get a near-optimal solution, the model will have to be trained for a very long time with a wide range of examples. During training, the model stores checkpoints for each epoch, as well as a checkpoint for the model that gives the best results.

Pre-trained checkpoints have to be stored with the names actor.pt and critic.pt.

A set of pre-trained checkpoints are provided for testing. This can be found in the example_cp directory. To load this model for testing, use the command: python tester.py --checkpoint=example_cp

Test cases

The model can be trained and tested on various combinations of input arguments. However, each would require re-training the model.

  • python trainer.py --train_size=10000 --batch_size=64 --nodes=20
  • python trainer.py --nodes=50 --actor_lr=1e-4
  • python trainer.py --train_size=10000 --batch_size=32 --nodes=100 --critic_lr=2e-4
  • python trainer.py --train_size=10000 --batch_size=32 --nodes=50 --critic_lr=2e-4 --actor_lr=1e-4
  • python trainer.py --train_size=10000 --batch_size=32 --nodes=20 --critic_lr=2e-4

Architecture Diagrams

The domain and class diagrams can be found in the diagrams directory.