
kafka in docker and kafka-python example

Primary LanguagePython

Install Kafka using Docker & Python

Install Kafka and ZooKeeper

First you will need Kafka and Zookeeper, defined in docker-compose.yml, Make sure to edit the ports it is either 2181 or 9092. this will also automatically start the broker.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Creating Topics from Kafka Shell

Then execute shell in container kafka using following script

docker exec -it kafka /bin/sh

All Kafka shell scripts are located in /opt/kafka_/bin

cd /opt/kafka_<version>/bin

after navigated into bin then create the topics using cli named it messages

kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2 --topic messages

Now the topics, continue to scripting in Python, actually for automation purpose we could also create topic from Python Script Which is,

topic_list = []
new_topic = NewTopic(name="message", num_partitions= 2, replication_factor=1)

Install Kafka-Python from pip

sudo pip3 install kafka-python==2.0.2

Run message consumer then producer

First we run python code for consumer which will listen any producer message from spesific topic

python3 consumer.py

then produce the message

python3 producer.py

