Start your own "Can of Books" App

This repository has starter code to begin work on creating your own online bookshelf.

What can books do?

Books are life-changing. They have the power to enlighten, educate, entertain, heal, and help us grow. Build out this code base to create an web app to track what books have impacted you, and what's recommended to read next.


  • What hours will you be available to communicate? During lab time and between 8-12 pm

  • What platform will you use to communicate (ie. Slack, phone …)? Slack , Remo

  • How often will you take breaks? every 2 hour

  • What is your plan if you start to fall behind?

We will try to find a solution in the beginning and if we couldn't we will ask for help


  • Make a list of each parson’s strengths.

Mohammad Aqel is better at navigation .

Mohammad Jaradat is better at being the driver.

  • How can you best utilize these strengths in the development of your application?

by using these strengths to find the best way to solve the problems

  • In what areas do you each want to develop greater strength?

Mohammad Aqel want to understand ReactJs more.

Mohammad Jaradat want develop the clean code writting skill.

  • Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand the code, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day development?

by making a daily review for each person work.

Conflict Resolution

  • What will your team do if one person is pulling all the weight while the other person is not contributing?

at the beginning we will talk about it and try to find a way to share the weight evenly and if that didn't work we will ask for TA's help

  • What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other member contribute?

at the beginning we will talk about it and try to find a way to share the weight evenly and if that didn't work we will ask for TA's help

  • How will you approach each other and the challenge of building an application knowing that it is impossible for two people to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?

We will try to communicate as much as we can while we working on the application using one of the platforms "Zoom, Remo,Discord"