
An Arduino Library that facilitates packet-based serial communication using COBS or SLIP encoding.

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An Arduino Library that facilitates packet-based serial communication using COBS or SLIP encoding.


PacketSerial is an small, efficient, library that allows Arduinos to send and receive serial data packets (with COBS, SLIP or a user-defined encoding) that include bytes of any value (0 - 255). A packet is simply an array of bytes.


Why do I need this? you may ask. The truth is that you may not need it if you are converting your values to ASCII strings and separating them with a known character (like a carriage return \r and a line feed \n) before sending them. This is what happens if you call and Serial.println();. For instance, if you just want to send a byte with the value of 255 and follow it with a new line character (i.e. Serial.println(255);) the Arduino automatically converts the number to the equivalent printable ASCII characters, sending 5 bytes total. As a result the receiver won't just receive a byte for the number and two bytes for the carriage return and new line character. Instead it will receive a stream of 5 bytes:

50 // ASCII '2'
53 // ASCII '5'
53 // ASCII '5'
13 // ASCII '\r'
10 // ASCII '\n'

The receiver must then collect the 3 ASCII characters { '2', '5', '5' }, combine them and convert them back into a single byte with a value of 255. This process can get complicated when the user wants to send large quantities of structured data between the Arduino and a receiver.

One way to send a packet of data without this library is to send each byte separated by a comma or space and terminate the sequence with a new line character. Thus, to send the value 255 and the value 10, one might call:


The receiver will actually see a stream of 7 bytes:

50 // ASCII '2'
53 // ASCII '5'
53 // ASCII '5'
44 // ASCII ','
49 // ASCII '1'
48 // ASCII '0'
10 // ASCII '\n'

In this case, the receiver must then collect the ASCII characters, combine them, skip the delimiter (the comma in this case) and then process the packet when a new line is encountered. While effective, this method doesn't scale particularly well. Bytes with values larger than 9 are encoded as 2 bytes and bytes with values larger than 99 are encoded as 3 bytes, etc. If the user would like to send the number 4,294,967,295 (the maximum value of a 4 byte unsigned long), it would be encoded as 10 bytes. This means that there is an overhead of 6 extra bytes to transmit a 4 byte unsigned long.

An alternative to ASCII encoding is to write the bytes directly to using the Serial.write() methods. These methods do not convert the byte values to ASCII. So if the user wants to send a single byte with the value of 255 and follow it with a new line character:


the receiver will see a stream of 2 bytes:

255 // The value transmitted.
10  // The new line character (\n).

This is much more compact but can create problems when the user wants to send a packet of data. If the user wants to send a packet consisting of two values such as 255 and 10, we run into problems if we also use the new line ('\n' ASCII 10) character as a packet boundary. This essentially means that the receiver will incorrectly think that a new packet is beginning when it receives the value of 10. Thus, to use this more compact form of sending bytes while reserving one value for a packet boundary marker. Several unambiguous packet boundary marking encodings exist, but one with a small predictable overhead is called Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing. For a raw packet of length SIZE, the maximum encoded buffer size will only be SIZE + SIZE / 254 + 1. This is significantly less than ASCII encoding and the encoding / decoding algorithm is simple and fast. In its default mode, the COBS encoding process simply removes all zeros from the packet, allowing the sender and receiver to use the value of zero as a packet boundary marker. Another encoding available in PacketSerial is Serial Line Internet Protocol which is often used to send OSC over serial or TCP connections. To use SLIP encoding instead of COBS, use SLIPPacketSerial instead of PacketSerial. You can find an openFrameworks example of sending OSC data over serial in the ofxSerial repository.


PacketSerial class wraps the Arduino Stream class to automatically encode and decode byte packets that are sent and received. Typically serial communication uses the default Serial object, which implements the Stream class. In most cases, PacketSerial should be given exclusive access to the serial Stream (e.g. for a default setup using Serial, users should avoid calling functions like Serial.print(), Serial.write(), etc directly). Data should be sent via the send(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size) const method and received in a PacketSerial callback function (see below).



To use the default Serial object and the default communication settings (usually SERIAL_8N1), set up PacketSerial like this:

PacketSerial myPacketSerial;

void setup()


For a non-default Serial connection, a class implementing the Stream interface should be configured and then set for the PacketSerial instance.

Using A Non-Standard Serial Configuration
PacketSerial myPacketSerial;

void setup()
    Serial.begin(300, SERIAL_7N1);
Using Secondary Serial Ports (e.g. Serial1, Serial2, etc)
PacketSerial myPacketSerial;

void setup()
Using SoftwareSerial
PacketSerial myPacketSerial;
SoftwareSerial mySoftwareSerial(10, 11);

void setup()
Other Streams

Any class that correctly implements the Stream interface should work, which includes some network communication objects.


In order to processing incoming serial packets, the user must call the update() method at the end of the loop() method.

void loop()
    // Your program here.

    // Call update to receive, decode and process incoming packets.

Receiving Packets

All packets are received via handler functions. A typical handler function would be registered in the void setup() function like:

PacketSerial myPacketSerial;

void setup()

The onPacketReceived function can take two forms. The simplest looks like this:

void onPacketReceived(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size)
    // Process your decoded incoming packet here.

For more advanced programs with multiple PacketSerial instances and a shared handler, it may be useful to know which PacketSerial instance received the packet. In this case you could define a callback like this:

void onPacketReceived(const void* sender, const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size)
    if (sender == &myPacketSerial)
        // Do something with the packet from myPacketSerial.
    else if (sender == &myOtherPacketSerial)
        // Do something with the packet from myOtherPacketSerial.

Finally, it is also possible to set arbitrary packet handlers that point to member functions of a given class instance using lambda functions. For example:

// Instances of this class can receive data packets when registered.
class MyClass
    void processPacketFromSender(const PacketSerial& sender, const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size)
        // Just send the buffer back to the sender.
        sender.send(buffer, size);

MyClass myClassInstance;
PacketSerial myPacketSerial;

void setup()
    myPacketSerial.setPacketHandler([](const uint8_t* buffer, size_t size) {
         myClassInstance.processPacketFromSender(myPacketSerial, buffer, size);

Sending Packets

To send packets call the send() method. The send method will take a packet (an array of bytes), encode it, transmit it and send the packet boundary marker. To send the values 255 and 10, one might do the following:

// Make an array.
uint8_t myPacket[2] = { 255, 10 };

// Send the array.
myPacketSerial.send(myPacket, 2);

Multiple Streams

On boards with multiple serial ports, this strategy can also be used to set up two Serial streams, one for packets and one for debug ASCII (see this discussion for more).


See the included examples for further usage options.

Tested Compatible Libraries

  • openFrameworks (C/C++ on macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, etc).
    • ofxSerial addon.
      • See the ofx::IO::PacketSerial object which is directly compatible with this library.
  • Python

Any library that correctly implements a COBS or SLIP encoding scheme should be compatible.


