
Tensorflow based, good apples image recognition

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Apple type recognition

Notes for experiments on tensorflow and apple recognition


  • Get models make fetch-models
  • Ensure tensroflow py modules are reachable export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${PWD}/models/research:${PWD}/models/research/slim
  • Run TF make run-tensorflow

Image labelled with MS VoTT https://github.com/Microsoft/VoTT.git


I used that repo https://github.com/chtorr/go-tensorflow-object-detection to get RT detection out of Webcam

  • Clone & install as descripted in the repo
  • Edit under data/ setting 1: to apple
  • launch specifying the directory where you exported the frozen model (see make export-trainer)
