
Vice City map import troubles

grox777 opened this issue · 2 comments

1 - Texture loading issue, emre1601 noticed this one earlier. I was managed to fix this one by forcing write TextureFormat.RGBA32 in Decoder.cs, thanks mukaschultze.
2 - Even though textures was loaded after "fix" many of scene materials totally transparent, due to 0.1 "Cutout" multipler on "BaseMaterial". So i set "Cutout" parameter to 0, and reload map.
3 - Some trees have non-Transparent material on leaves, some meshes have weird transparent stripe and some areas messing with LOD's... There also some areas, that missing meshes

Unity version is correct, so i have no idea why all of this happening... Maybe this troubles are actual only for Vice City? Who knows..

Anyhow this is obviously an non-commercial project so I appreciate the fact that the project exists at all :)

I haven't updated this tool in a verrryyy long time, and it was made with a very old Unity version (5.6 if I'm not mistaken), the Unity version saved in the project settings is the version that I tested when I pushed this to GitHub.

From what I remember, VC files had some weird back culling (and normals) for some meshes, especially for foliage, which might be the reason for the bugs you're facing also my shader programming skills are not something that I'm proud of.

There are some issues with the steam version of GTA SA, are you using the steam version of VC?

are you using the steam version of VC?
