Command DB

A command line springboot application (using standard JDBC, spring JDBC variants) that can be used to execute script against any generic Db. A very simplified dumbed-down version of a generic db client.


Can be used to test connectivity, driver configuration in Java based applications


Current support is for postgres, edb, h2 (embedded)

Sample Data Initialization

For H2 DB
  • DDLs : schema-h2.sql
  • Dataset data-h2.sql
  • Command Line Execution

    Require 2 command-line parameters for execution:
  • parameter 1: query type: "C"-Create, "R"-Retrieve
  • parameter 2: query string
  • Command Format:
    java -jar target/command-db-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.JAR [type] [query]

    java -jar target/command-db-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar "R" "select * from departments"