
Go Lang server template

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go Lang server template

This is a sample template to build a server in Go using net/http package and gorilla mux as muxer

Getting Started


Use Git to clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/mukeshm/goserveit.git

This will clone the goserveit into your local filesystem

Running the server

# switch to your local repo
cd goserveit
go run *.go

This will run a server on default port 8080, so we can open http://localhost:8080 in browser

Adding extra functionalities

Adding handlers

Handlers for the new routes can be added in handlers.go file like :

func myHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  //Do what ever you want

Adding routes

Once defining the handlers in handlers.go file, we have to map those handlers to routes. We can just add the mapping in routes.go like:

var routes = Routes{
    "/hello",         //defining a pattern to match path
    http.MethodGet,   //for which HTTP method
    myHandler,        //handler function to call for the path if matched
    "HelloHandler",   //name - not used, just for clarification

Changing port number

Change the default port number 8080 to whatever valid port number in main function in server.go