Walking tour generation using multi-source attraction points data

Generated routes satisfy time conditions: time spent per day (10 hours) and vacation's duration. For routes construction, the Ant Colony Optimization is used to enrich based route by usage multi-source dataset based on Official City Guide, TripAdvisor, and Instagram.


Official route enrichment

Points from walking path were taken as mandatory locations. On the figure below, the route Alongside the Moika river is shown; improved path is close to the raw route. This results is caused by several time-consuming locations, however the initial number of locations almost doubled (6 and 11 for original and improved paths, respectively).

In contrast, route Grand Ducal Petersburg has small number of places, and the obtained results differ significantly. The enrichment path contains 15 locations including 4 mandatory locations from raw route and 11 extra.

Comparison of 1-, 2-, and 3-days walking paths

Park Pobedy, Sennaya ploschad' (square), Loft Project Floors Exhibition Hall, The State Hermitage Museum, Kazan Cathedral were taken as initial locations. As can be seen from the figures below, due to daily time limit new locations can not be added to path, so the route contains sonly mandatory locations. In contrast, walking path could be easily managed in 2 days, locations was balanced between two days, that is way the first-day route (purple line) contains less mandatory locations than in single-day route. The path for second day (green line) also starts from subway station and ends in last location in mandatory list. 3-days path contains more interesting places for intervals in second and third days due to the balancing. The resulting scores are 13.52, 32.38 and 41.23 for 1, 2, and 3 days, respectively. The total path for single-day route contains only 5 datum points; 2-days route includes 10 places for the first day and 7 places for the second day excluding subway stations; 3-days route contains 22 locations in total where 10 places are planned to visit on the first day, 5 places for the second day, and 7 places in the last day.