
Car Store React SPA

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚗Oxiee sotre

This is my web application with React - a website where you can buy cars. Application contains functionalities like creating and logging into your account, adding additional information in the profile page. Creating, updating and deleting offers. Uses a Firebase: Firestore for the Back-End.

👨‍💻Test Profiles


  • Not logged in user notLoged
  • Logged-in user Logedin

Home Page

This page is public for all users.


Login Page

The user logs in with their email and password.

  • Email address must be a valid one.
  • Password should be at least 6 characters.


Register Page

The users registers in with username, email, password and confirm password. Valid inputs are:

  • Username and Email must not have been used.

  • Username should be at least 3 characters.

  • Email address must be a valid one.

  • Password should be at least 6 characters.

  • Confirm password and password should match.

  • All fields have to be entered.


Create new post

Create offer form expects as input: name, category, brand, imageURL, description, price and phoneNumber for the post.

  • Name should be at least 3 characters.
  • Descrition should be at least 10 characters.
  • URL field must start with 'http://' or 'https://'
  • All fields have to be entered for the game to be created.


Profile Page

Page only availabel for logged in users. Users can update information for them and upload profile picture.


Category Page

This is one of the category pages. For example in the picture shown (car posts)


Details Page

This page contains the details for each post. Where logged in users can like the posts If logged in users is the creator, can edit or delete the offer.


Edit Page

Edit page where users can update Posts


404 Not Found

404 page comes when you try to access routes that don't exist.