
Stream live tweets from Twitter on a particular topic (hashtag) or tweets posted by any user

Primary LanguagePython


Data Analysis on Twitter Data

TwiXtract lets you extract tweets from Twitter and applies sentiment analysis on them. It is based on Python 3.

Setting Up

  1. Install Python 3.5 or later.
  2. Install the following Python packages using pip:
pip install matplotlib
pip install numpy
pip install PyQt5
pip install textblob
pip install tweepy
pip install pandas
pip install webbrowser
  1. Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/mukul29/TwiXtract.git

  1. Make a Twitter account if you don't have one already.

  2. Go to https://apps.twitter.com and apply for a Twitter developer account.

  3. Create a Twitter app and go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab. You'll require the following keys:

    Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret

  4. After you have these keys, navigate to TwiXtract/src/py folder and add these keys to the twitter_credentials.py file.

  5. Run the main.py file in TwiXtract/src directory.

python main.py