A simple SHA-2 implementation in python which gives hash for string or a file. It also handles byte stream. It calculates SHA-256 and SHA-512 at the time


  • Example
python main.py -s "Hello World!!" --sha256
  • For help
usage: SHA-2 [-h] [--sha256] [--sha512] [-s STRING] [-f FILE]

Generate SHA256/512 hashes

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --sha256              Generates SHA-256 for given input (default: False)
  --sha512              Generates SHA-512 for given input (default: False)
  -s STRING, --string STRING
                        string to be hashed (default: None)
  -f FILE, --file FILE  file to be hashed (default: None)

Use help to find all supported hashes

For Algo refer: SHA-256 Wiki

For more refer: