I have developed this Student and course Management Application REST API. This API performs all the fundamental CRUD operations related to various courses and students with User validation at every step using Spring Security. By Using this RESTful API one can create a web application where one can Register and Login into the application and the Admin can manage all the different courses and students by adding, updating, deleting courses, enrolling students into different courses, view details of student, etc.
- Java
- Spring Framework
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Hibernate
- Lombok
- PostMan
- Admin Module
- Course Module
- Student Module
- User Module
- Role Module
- UserRole Module
- User authentication & validation with Spring Security with JWT.
- Login & Logout.
- Add new Courses.
- Update Course.
- Delete Course.
- See student details.
- Enroll student into course, etc.
- Register him/herself.
- Login & Logout.
- See list of courses, etc.