
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Lab μ infomation management system based on ldap


  1. Install a ldap server, for example osixia/openldap .

  2. Set proper environment variables. You can write them in secret.env which has been ignored by .gitignore.

  3. Run npm install --no-optional to install dependencies. Option --no-optional is required since one of bunyan's optional dependency will produce error, which prevent debugging.

  4. Run gulp for compiling.

  5. Run node dist/index.js and the server is listening at

API reference

POST /auth

Authenticate a user crendential.

field type description required
uid String username true
password String password true


  • 403: if wrong credential
  • 200: if correct crendential

POST /logout



  • 403: if not logged in
  • 200: logout successfully

GET /u/:uid

Get information of a user

parameter description required
uid username true


  • 403: if not logged in.
  • 200: user information as json
field type description
uid String username
name String user's name
groups Array groups user belongs to

POST /u/:uid

Update information of a user

parameter description required
uid username true
field type description required
name String user's name false


  • 403: if has no permission.
  • 200: if update succeed, returns updated user information
  • 304: if field name missing.


Delete a user


  • 403: if not in admin group.
  • 200: array of all users.

Get /u

Get user list


  • 403: if not logged in.
  • 200: array of all users.


Add a user

field type description required
uid String username true
name String user's name true
password String password true


  • 403: if not in admin group. or username already exists.
  • 200: information of added user.