
OpenShift migrator towards OCS

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



ocs-migrate automates migration of PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) and PersistentVolumes (PVs) from any storage provider to OCS

Prerequisite steps

  • The application on the source side needs to be quiesced before attempting migration
  • PVs to be migrated need to be attached with pods, unattached PVs will not be migrated
  • Storage Class Selections must be made - Instructions


1. Clone this git repo

git clone https://github.com/mulbc/ocs-migrate && cd ocs-migrate

2. Automation prerequisites


  • Installing Virtualenv
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m venv env
  • Activate Virtualenv and install requirements
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install selinux dependency if selinux is enabled
pip install selinux
  • To update any requirements
pip freeze &> requirements.txt

Without Virtualenv

pip3 install ansible==2.9.7 --user      # ansible 2.9
pip3 install kubernetes==11.0.0 --user  # kubernetes module for ansible
pip3 install openshift==0.11.2 --user   # openshift module for ansible
pip3 install PyYAML==5.1.1 --user       # pyyaml module for python
pip3 install jmespath==0.10.0 --user    # for json querying from ansible
pip3 install urllib3==1.24.2 --user     # stage 1 requirement

sudo dnf install jq                     # jq-1.6 for json processing
sudo dnf install bind-utils
sudo dnf install dnsutils
sudo dnf install python3-libselinux

4. Set list of namespaces to migrate PVC data for

  1. Copy sample config file as starting point: cp 1_pvc_data_gen/vars/pvc-data-gen.yml.example 1_pvc_data_gen/vars/pvc-data-gen.yml

  2. Edit 1_pvc_data_gen/vars/pvc-data-gen.yml, adding the list of namespaces for which PV/PVC data should be migrated

 - rocket-chat
 - nginx-pv

5. Familiarize with PVC migration automation

The pvc-migrate tooling is designed to work in 3 stages :

Stage 1 - Detect source cluster info (PVCs, Pods, Nodes) (Stage 1 README)


This preliminary stage collects information about PVCs, PVs and Pods that are to be migrated. It creates a JSON report of collected data which will be consumed by subsequent stages.

Note: Changes of source PVs and PVCs after completion of Stage 1 will not be considered by next stages. You can re-run stage 1 to refresh data as needed before running Stages 2 and 3.

Stage 2 - Migrate PVC definitions to destination cluster (Stage 2 README)


This stage creates the target PVs and PVCs on OCS where the data will be migrated to. No data will be moved in this stage yet.

Note: This stage requires users to provide Storage Class selections. Please see notes on Storage Class Selection

Stage 3 - RSync PVC data to destination cluster (Stage 3 README)


This final stage migrates data from the source PVs to the target PVs. In order to do this, it launches Kubernetes Jobs that migrate the data. All PVs in a namespace will be migrated in parallel, namespaces will be done synchroneously.

Note: This stage requires that the applications connected to the source PVCs are shut down during the migration phase. Only then, you will be sure to have a consistent data migration.

After this step, your applications will need to be re-configured to use the new PVCs. The new PVCs will have the same name as the source PVCs, but with -ocs appended.

6. Running the PVC migration

  1. Run steps in: 1_pvc_data_gen/README.md
  2. Run steps in: 2_pvc_destination_gen/README.md
  3. Run steps in: 3_run_rsync/README.md