
Subscriptions-related services for the Insights Platform

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Subscription watch

Subscription watch tracks usage and capacity at an account-level. Account-level reporting means that subscriptions are not directly associated to machines, containers, or service instances.

Context diagram for Subscription watch

Subscription watch can be thought of as several services that provide related functionality:

system conduit Service that syncs system data from Hosted Candlepin into HBI.

Container diagram for system conduit

metrics ingress Services that sync system/instance telemetry data into Subscription watch.

Container diagram for Metrics Ingress

tally Service that tallies system usage based on telemetry data from various sources.

Container diagram for Tally

subscription sync Service that syncs subscription/offering data from RH IT services.

Container diagram for Subscription Sync

API/UI Customer facing views of the usage and capacity data.

Container diagram for API/UI

billing usage notification Services that notify billing services of hourly usage.

Container diagram for Billing Producers

Networking diagrams show how requests are routed:

Customer-facing API

Networking diagram for customer API

Admin/Internal API

Networking diagram for internal APIs


There are currently 3 different ways to deploy the components, with running them locally as the preferred development workflow.

Local Development


First, ensure you have podman-compose, podman and java 11 installed:

sudo dnf install -y podman-compose podman java-11-openjdk-devel

NOTE: You can also use docker if don't want to or are unable to use podman. Make sure docker and docker-compose are installed.

Ensure the checkout has the HBI submodule initialized:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Dependent services

NOTE: in order to deploy insights-inventory (not always useful), you'll need to login to quay.io first.

NOTE: To run any of the following commands using docker,

replace podman-compose with

docker compose

replace podman with


Start via:

podman-compose up -d

If using docker, start via

docker compose up -d

NOTE: if the DB hasn't finished starting up (likely), HBI will fail to start, to remedy: podman start rhsm-subscriptions_inventory_1.

For more details about what services are defined, see docker-compose.yml

Note that the compose assumes that none of the services are already running locally (hint: might need to sudo systemctl stop postgresql). If you want to use only some of the services via podman-compose, then podman-compose up --no-start can be used to define the services (you can then subsequently manually start containers for the services you wish to deploy locally.

If you prefer to use local postgresql service, you can use init_dbs.sh.


podman-compose deploys a kafka instance w/ a UI at http://localhost:3030

Two environment variables can be used to manipulate the offsets of the kafka consumers:

  • KAFKA_SEEK_OVERRIDE_END when set to true seeks to the very end
  • KAFKA_SEEK_OVERRIDE_TIMESTAMP when set to an OffsetDateTime, seeks the queue to this position.

These changes are permanent, committed the next time the kafka consumer is detected as idle.

Build and Run rhsm-subscriptions

./gradlew :bootRun

Spring Boot defines many properties that can be overridden via args or environment variables. (We prefer environment variables). To determine the environment variable name, uppercase, remove dashes and replace . with _ (per Spring docs) We also define a number of service-specific properties (see Environment Variables)

For example, the server.port (or SERVER_PORT env var) property changes the listening port:

SERVER_PORT=9090 ./gradlew :bootRun


We have a number of profiles. Each profile activates a subset of components in the codebase.

  • api: Run the user-facing API
  • capacity-ingress: Run the internal only capacity ingress API
  • capture-hourly-snapshots: Run the tally job for hourly snapshots
  • capture-snapshots: Run the tally job and exit
  • kafka-queue: Run with a kafka queue (instead of the default in-memory queue)
  • liquibase-only: Run the Liquibase migrations and stop
  • rh-marketplace: Run the worker responsible for processing tally summaries and emitting usage to Red Hat Marketplace.
  • metering-jmx: Expose the JMX bean to create metering jobs
  • metering-job: Create metering jobs and place them on the job queue
  • openshift-metering-worker: Process OpenShift metering jobs off the job queue
  • purge-snapshots: Run the retention job and exit
  • worker: Process jobs off the job queue

These can be specified most easily via the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. For example:

SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=capture-snapshots,kafka-queue ./gradlew bootRun

Each profile has a @Configuration class that controls which components get activated, See ApplicationConfiguration for more details.

If no profiles are specified, the default profiles list in application.yaml is applied.

Deployment Notes

RHSM Subscriptions is meant to be deployed under the context path "/". The location of app specific resources are then controlled by the rhsm-subscriptions.package_uri_mappings.org.candlepin.insights property. This unusual configuration is due to external requirements that our application base its context path on the value of an environment variable. Using "/" as the context path means that we can have certain resources (such as health checks) with a known, static name while others can vary based on an environment variable given to the pod.

Static Endpoints

These are served on port 9000. When running locally, you can access them via http://localhost:9000.

  • /jolokia - REST access to JMX beans via Jolokia
  • /hawtio - Admin UI interface to JMX beans and more
  • /health - A Spring Actuator that we use as k8s liveness/readiness probe.
  • /info - An actuator that reads the information from META-INF/build-info.properties and reports it. The response includes things like the version number.

Both the health actuator and info actuator can be modified, expanded, or extended. Please see the documentation for a discussion of extension points.


rhsm-subscriptions uses an RBAC service to determine application authorization. The RBAC service can via configured by environment variables (see below).

For development purposes, the RBAC service can be stubbed out so that the connection to the RBAC service is bypassed and all users recieve the 'subscriptions::' role. This can be enabled by setting RHSM_RBAC_USE_STUB=true

RHSM_RBAC_USE_STUB=true ./gradlew bootRun

Environment Variables

  • DEV_MODE: disable anti-CSRF, account filtering, and RBAC role check
  • DEVTEST_SUBSCRIPTION_EDITING_ENABLED: allow subscription/offering edits via JMX.
  • DEVTEST_EVENT_EDITING_ENABLED: allow event edits via JMX.
  • PRETTY_PRINT_JSON: configure Jackson to indent outputted JSON
  • APP_NAME: application name for URLs (default: rhsm-subscriptions)
  • PATH_PREFIX: path prefix in the URLs (default: api)
  • INVENTORY_USE_STUB: Use stubbed inventory REST API
  • INVENTORY_API_KEY: API key for inventory service
  • INVENTORY_HOST_LAST_SYNC_THRESHOLD: reject hosts that haven't checked in since this duration (e.g. 24h)
  • INVENTORY_DATABASE_HOST: inventory DB host
  • INVENTORY_DATABASE_DATABASE: inventory DB database
  • INVENTORY_DATABASE_PASSWORD: inventory DB password
  • PRODUCT_WHITELIST_RESOURCE_LOCATION: location of the product whitelist
  • ACCOUNT_LIST_RESOURCE_LOCATION: location of the account list (opt-in used otherwise)
  • CAPTURE_SNAPSHOT_SCHEDULE: cron schedule for capturing tally snapshots
  • ACCOUNT_BATCH_SIZE: number of accounts to tally at once
  • TALLY_RETENTION_HOURLY: number of hourly tallies to keep
  • TALLY_RETENTION_DAILY: number of daily tallies to keep
  • TALLY_RETENTION_WEEKLY: number of weekly tallies to keep
  • TALLY_RETENTION_MONTHLY: number of monthly tallies to keep
  • TALLY_RETENTION_QUARTERLY: number of quarterly tallies to keep
  • TALLY_RETENTION_YEARLY: number of yearly tallies to keep
  • KAFKA_TOPIC: topic for rhsm-subscriptions tasks
  • KAFKA_GROUP_ID kafka consumer group ID
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS: kafka max poll interval in milliseconds
  • KAFKA_MESSAGE_THREADS: number of consumer threads
  • KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_HOST: kafka bootstrap host
  • KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_PORT: kafka boostrap port
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS: kafka consumer reconnect backoff in milliseconds
  • KAFKA_CONSUMER_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MAX_MS: kafka consumer reconnect max backoff in milliseconds
  • KAFKA_API_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS: kafka connection timeout in milliseconds
  • KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_SCHEME: avro schema server scheme (http or https)
  • KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST: kafka schema server host
  • KAFKA_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT: kafka schema server port
  • KAFKA_AUTO_REGISTER_SCHEMAS: enable auto registration of schemas
  • RHSM_RBAC_USE_STUB: stub out the rbac service
  • RHSM_RBAC_APPLICATION_NAME: name of the RBAC permission application name (<APP_NAME>:*:*), by default this property is set to 'subscriptions'.
  • RHSM_RBAC_HOST: RBAC service hostname
  • RHSM_RBAC_PORT: RBAC service port
  • RHSM_RBAC_MAX_CONNECTIONS: max concurrent connections to RBAC service
  • CLOUDIGRADE_ENABLED: set to true to query cloudigrade for RHEL usage
  • CLOUDIGRADE_MAX_ATTEMPTS: maximum number of attempts to query cloudigrade
  • CLOUDIGRADE_HOST: cloudigrade service host
  • CLOUDIGRADE_PORT: cloudigrade service port
  • CLOUDIGRADE_INTERNAL_HOST: cloudigrade internal services host
  • CLOUDIGRADE_INTERNAL_PORT: cloudigrade internal services port
  • CLOUDIGRADE_MAX_CONNECTIONS: max concurrent connections to cloudigrade service
  • CLOUDIGRADE_PSK: pre-shared key for cloudigrade authentication
  • SWATCH_*_PSK: pre-shared keys for internal service-to-service authentication where the * represents the name of an authorized service

Clowder exposes the services it provides in an Openshift config map. This config map appears in the container as a JSON file located by default at the path defined by ACG_CONFIG environment variable (typically /cdapp/cdappconfig.json). The ClowderJsonEnvironmentPostProcessor takes this JSON file and flattens it into Java style properties (with the namespace clowder prefixed). For example,

{ "kafka": {
  "brokers": [{
    "hostname": "localhost"

Becomes clowder.kafka.brokers[0].hostname. These properties are then passed into the Spring Environment and may be used elsewhere (the ClowderJsonEnvironmentPostProcessor runs before most other environment processing classes).

The pattern we follow is to assign the Clowder style properties to an intermediate property that follows Spring Boot's environment variable binding conventions

It is important to note, this intermediate property must be given a default via the $ {value:default} syntax. If a default is not provided and the Clowder JSON is not available (such as in development runs), Spring will fail to start because the clowder. property will not resolve to anything.

An example of an intermediate property would be


This pattern has the useful property of allowing us to override any Clowder settings (in development, for example) with environment variables since a value specified in the environment has a higher precedence than values defined in config data files (e.g. application.properties).

The intermediate property is then assigned to any actual property that we wish to use, e.g. spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers. Thus, it is trivial to either allow a value to be specified by Clowder, overridden from Clowder via environment variable, or not given by Clowder at all and instead based on a default.

A Clowder environment can be simulated in development by pointing the ACG_CONFIG environment var to a mock Clowder JSON file.


$ ACG_CONFIG=$(pwd)/swatch-core/src/test/resources/test-clowder-config.json ./gradlew bootRun

Viewing Kafka messages in an ephemeral environment

  1. Get a token and login via oc login.
  2. Switch to the ephemeral namespace via oc project $namespace
  3. Remotely exec kakfa-console-consumer.sh with the desired topic (replace $topic below):
oc rsh \
  $(oc get pod -o name -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kafka) \
  bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh \
  --topic $topic \
  --from-beginning \
  --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
Deploy to Openshift via Templates

Prerequisite secrets:

  • pinhead: secret with keystore.jks - keystore for HTTPS communication with RHSM API (formerly Pinhead).
  • rhsm-db: DB connection info, having db.host, db.port, db.user, db.password, and db.name properties.
  • host-inventory-db-readonly: inventory read-only clone DB connection info, having db.host, db.port, db.user, db.password, and db.name properties.
  • ingress: secret with keystore.jks and truststore.jks - keystores for mTLS communication with subscription-conduit.
  • tls: having keystore.password, the password used for capacity ingress.

Prequisite configmaps:

  • capacity-allowlist having product-allowlist.txt which is a newline-separated list of which SKUs have been approved for capacity ingress.

Adjust as desired:

oc process -f templates/rhsm-subscriptions-api.yml | oc create -f -
oc process -f templates/rhsm-subscriptions-capacity-ingress.yml | oc create -f -
oc process -f templates/rhsm-subscriptions-scheduler.yml | oc create -f -
oc process -f templates/rhsm-subscriptions-worker.yml | oc create -f -

Release Process

You can perform a release using ./gradlew release on the develop branch. This command will invoke a plugin that will bump the version numbers and create a release tag. When you run the command, it will ask for input. You can specify all the arguments on the CLI if necessary (e.g. doing a release via a CI environment). When asked for "This release version" specify the current version without the "-SNAPSHOT". When asked for the next version number enter the appropriate value prefixed with "-SNAPSHOT". Since we are not doing semantic versioning, simply accept the defaults.

The plugin will create the tag and bump the version. You just need to push with git push --follow-tags origin develop main.

Grafana Dashboards

See Grafana Dashboards


Subscription watch components are licensed GPLv3 (see LICENSE for more details).