uv run pytest # run tests
uv tool run ruff format # format and lint (runs automatically on commit)
uv build # build wheel (this is mostly to check that is possible, not needed for lambda)
uv run src/python-lambda/plot.py # run program
uv run app # same thing but defined as a project script
docker build --platform linux/arm64 -t python-lambda . # build AWS Lambda compatible docker image
./deploy.sh # deploy to AWS Lambda
# test it out
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:070361786815:function:InfraStack-MyFunction3BAA72D1-O5YvCVSWhFrt" \
--payload '{}' \
/dev/stdout | jq -r '.image' | base64 --decode > image.png && open image.png