
In this exercise you'll be creating a MongoDB application to store customer information.


In this exercise you'll be creating a MongoDB application to store student assignment information, including the assignment name, the student's identity, their score on the assignment, and the date it was turned in. Only the identity and date completed are required.

The purpose of this exercise is to help understand the way Document Databases function, and how to interact with them.

###Make sure MongoDB installed, and run mongod. Run the command mongod from the terminal. If it fails, follow the installation guide.

###Install Robomongo Get it here.

Use it. Love it.

###Create a new NodeJS application. Create a basic NodeJS application with an express server. Set up a router called index.js (for your home page) and also a router called assignment.js (for your assignment routes).

###Get connected to your database. Put the following into your server side app.js file.

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var mongoURI = "mongodb://localhost:27017/assignments";
var MongoDB = mongoose.connect(mongoURI).connection;

MongoDB.on('error', function (err) {
    console.log('mongodb connection error:', err);

MongoDB.once('open', function () {
  console.log('mongodb connection open!');

What does it do? The first line requires MongoDB and lets us use the Mongoose functions. The next is just a URL to the mongo database, which you set up earlier. The third connects to the database and a document store named assignments (this name is chosen by us) and returns an object that gives us access to the client. The "on error" function allows us to see a console log when it can't connect. The final "once open" function lets us know when it's connected.


How to install the module npm install mongoose --save

How to remove the module npm remove mongoose --save

###Create an "Assignment" Model In your Node application, create a folder called models. Within that folder create a mongoose model named assignments and give it some properties that an assignment would have.

The minimum requirements are: assignment_number, student_name, score and date_completed.

When creating your model it may be useful to see some Mongoose Schema documentation, and also to look at all of the MongoDB Types

###Create GET and POST routes for /assignments

Next you'll need to be able to access the assignments via an API. Use a combination of REST methods and Mongo methods to make a route for reading all assignments, and for creating new assignments.

Hint: Use req.body to access the data that is passed into the API. Also, be sure to test them with Postman or cURL.

Remember, in REST:

To retrieve a resource, use GET. To create a resource on the server, use POST. To change the state of a resource, use PUT. To remove, delete or archive a resource, use DELETE.

###Display Assignments

On the index page, display the list of all assignments.

###Additional GET functionality

In addition, the route that reads all assignments should also accept an ID. When it receives the ID, it should be given to the mongoose function Assignments.find and return only that one. Otherwise if no ID is supplied, it should return all assignments.

###Tying it all together

Create text inputs that will create assignments using the /assignments POST route. (When you reload the page, it should have any new entries added.)

In your index file, display a list of all assignments that are in the database when the page loads.


Once you have that working add a button next to each assignment record. When the button is clicked, it will delete the record from the database using Ajax. You will need to create a DELETE route, and will need to use Assignments.findByIdAndRemove. Feel free to break this into two steps (first find, then remove).


Finally, add another button to each record on the index that allows the user to update the database entry. This will also need to be done via Ajax. Updating should either be done in a modal window, or a series of inputs that shows/hides when the edit button is clicked. You will need to pass the assignment ID and the form data to a new PUT route, and to Assignments.findByIdAndUpdate, or alternatively, Assignments.findById followed by a model.save().