
Set::Relation: Perl - A relation data type

Primary LanguagePerl


by Darren Duncan <darren@DarrenDuncan.net>

This distribution features the Perl module named Set::Relation (a relation
data type) and its support structure.

See https://github.com/muldis/Set_Relation_Perl for the canonical Git
repository of this project.

See https://metacpan.org/dist/Set-Relation for the canonical CPAN
page of this project.

To read the rest of the Set::Relation documentation that exists in
this distribution, I recommend doing so in this order:

   1.       README
   2. (opt) Changes
   3.       lib/Set/Relation.pod
   4.       lib/Set/Relation/V1.pod
   5.       lib/Set/Relation/V2.pod