A custom Concourse Resource Type for Anypoint Runtime Fabric.
Resources represent all external inputs to and outputs of jobs in the pipeline. Concourse comes with a few "core" resource types (e.g. git and s3), the rest are developed and supported by the Concourse Community.
Concourse Resource Types are implemented by a Docker container image with 3 scripts:
for checking for new versions of the resource/opt/resource/in
for pulling a version of the resource down/opt/resource/out
for idempotently pushing a version up
See Resource Types for additional information.
This Concourse Resource Type can be used for get & put operations of Mule Application assets in Anypoint Runtime Fabric. Application assets are identified using Maven Coordinates:
- Group Id (= Platform Organization Id)
- Artifact Id
- Version
The check operation checks the Runtime Fabric instance for new(er) deployed versions of the application asset.
Sample Payload
{ "source": { "artifact_id": "mule4-workerinfo", "client_id": "[CLIENT ID]", "client_secret": "[CLIENT SECRET]", "environment_name": "Development", "fabric_name": "dev-fabric", "group_id": "[GROUP ID]", "mule_env": "dev", "mule_rt_version": "4.3.0", "uri": "anypoint.mulesoft.com" }, "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" } }
Sample Response
{ "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "group_id", "value": "8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257" }, { "name": "artifact_id", "value": "mule4-workerinfo" } ] }
Sample Output
echo "Runtime Fabric Concourse Resource 'check' settings" echo " - Using URI: ${URI}" echo " - Using MULE_ENV: ${MULE_ENV}" echo " - Using ENVIRONMENT_NAME: ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME}" echo " - Using GROUP_ID: ${GROUP_ID}" echo " - Using ARTIFACT_ID: ${ARTIFACT_ID}" get_token_for_connected_app in - client_id: [CLIENT ID] in - client_secret: [CLIENT SECRET] post - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/api/v2/oauth2/token out - token: [OAUTH TOKEN] get_application_asset_from_rtf in - mule_env: dev in - environment_name: Development in - group_id: [GROUP ID] in - artifact_id: mule4-workerinfo in - arm_application_name: mule4-workerinfo-dev _get_environment_id in - environment_name: Development in - group_id:[GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/api/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/environments out - environment_id: [ENVIRONMENT ID] _get_deployment_id in - arm_application_name: mule4-workerinfo-dev in - environment_id: [ENVIRONMENT ID] in - group_id:[GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/hybrid/api/v2/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/environments/c02e8cc1 ... 3551dd0e0f75/deployments out - environment_id: [ENVIRONMENT ID] _get_deployment_version in - environment_id: [ENVIRONMENT ID] in - deployment_id: [DEPLOYMENT ID] in - group_id: [GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/hybrid/api/v2/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/environments/c02e8cc1 ... 3551dd0e0f75/deployments/fbac10d4 ... 6d1b25994120 out - version: 1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c out - version: 1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c
The in operation checks the Runtime Fabric instance for existing deployed application assets.
Sample Payload
{ "source": { "artifact_id": "mule4-workerinfo", "client_id": "[CLIENT ID]", "client_secret": "[CLIENT SECRET]", "environment_name": "Development", "fabric_name": "dev-fabric", "group_id": "[GROUP ID]", "mule_env": "dev", "mule_rt_version": "4.3.0", "uri": "anypoint.mulesoft.com" }, "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" } }
Sample Response
{ "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "group_id", "value": "[GROUP ID]" }, { "name": "artifact_id", "value": "mule4-workerinfo" } ] }
Sample Output
Runtime Fabric Concourse Resource 'in' settings - Using URI: anypoint.mulesoft.com - Using ENVIRONMENT_NAME: Development - Using GROUP_ID: [GROUP ID] - Using ARTIFACT_ID: mule4-workerinfo - Using VERSION: 1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c - Using FABRIC_NAME: dev-fabric - Using MULE_RT_VERSION: 4.3.0 get_token_for_connected_app in - client_id: [CLIENT ID] in - client_secret: [CLIENT SECRET] post - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/api/v2/oauth2/token out - token: [OAUTH TOKEN] out - response: { "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "group_id", "value": "[GROUP ID]"}, { "name": "artifact_id", "value": "mule4-workerinfo" } ] }
The out operation (re)deploys the application asset to the Runtime Fabric instance.
Sample Payload
{ "source": { "artifact_id": "mule4-workerinfo", "client_id": "[CLIENT ID]", "client_secret": "[CLIENT SECRET]", "environment_name": "Development", "fabric_name": "dev-fabric", "group_id": "[GROUP ID]", "mule_env": "dev", "mule_rt_version": "4.3.0", "uri": "anypoint.mulesoft.com" }, "params": { "CPU_ALLOCATION_LIMIT": "1000m", "CPU_ALLOCATION_RESERVED": "500m", "ENV_CLIENT_ID": "[CLIENT ID]", "ENV_CLIENT_SECRET": "[CLIENT SECRET]", "HAS_ENFORCE_DEPLOYING_REPLICAS_ACROSS_NODES": "false", "HAS_FORWARD_SSL_SESSION": "false", "HAS_LAST_MILE_SECURITY": "false", "IS_CLUSTERED": "false", "MEM_ALLOCATION_LIMIT": "3500Mi", "MEM_ALLOCATION_RESERVED": "3500Mi", "NUM_REPLICAS": 1, "PUBLIC_URL": "https://mule4-workerinfo.api-dev.example.org", "UPDATE_STRATEGY": "rolling" } }
Sample Response
{ "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "group_id", "value": "[GROUP ID]" }, { "name": "artifact_id", "value": "mule4-workerinfo" } ] }
Sample Output
Runtime Fabric Concourse Resource 'out' settings - Using URI: anypoint.mulesoft.com - Using MULE_ENV: dev - Using ENVIRONMENT_NAME: Development - Using GROUP_ID: [GROUP ID] - Using ARTIFACT_ID: mule4-workerinfo - Using VERSION: 1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c - Using FABRIC_NAME: dev-fabric - Using MULE_RT_VERSION: 4.3.0 - Using CPU_ALLOCATION_RESERVED: 500m - Using CPU_ALLOCATION_LIMIT: 1000m - Using MEM_ALLOCATION_RESERVED: 3500Mi - Using MEM_ALLOCATION_LIMIT: 3500Mi - Using IS_CLUSTERED: false - Using HAS_ENFORCE_DEPLOYING_REPLICAS_ACROSS_NODES: false - Using APPLICATION_DOMAIN_NAME: example.org - Using HAS_LAST_MILE_SECURITY: false - Using HAS_FORWARD_SSL_SESSION: false - Using UPDATE_STRATEGY: rolling - Using NUM_REPLICAS: 1 - Using ENV_CLIENT_ID: [CLIENT ID] - Using ENV_CLIENT_SECRET: [CLIENT SECRET] get_token_for_connected_app in - client_id: [CLIENT ID] in - client_secret: [CLIENT SECRET] post - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/api/v2/oauth2/token out - token: [OAUTH TOKEN] deploy_application_asset_to_rtf in - mule_env: dev in - environment_name: Development in - group_id: [GROUP ID] in - artifact_id: mule4-workerinfo in - version: 1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c in - fabric_name: dev-fabric in - mule_rt_version: 4.3.0 in - arm_application_name: mule4-workerinfo-dev _get_environment_id in - environment_name: Development in - group_id: [GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/accounts/api/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/environments out - environment_id: [ENVIRONMENT ID] _get_fabric_id in - fabric_name: dev-fabric in - group_id: [GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/workercloud/api/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/fabrics out - fabric_id: 54111d24 ... 1deed5227103 _get_rt_tag_version in - mule_rt_version: 4.3.0 in - fabric_id: 54111d24 ... 1deed5227103 in - group_id: [GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/runtimefabric/api/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/targets/54111d24 ... 1deed5227103 out - tag_version: 20210322-3 _get_deployment_operation in - arm_application_name: mule4-workerinfo-dev in - group_id: [GROUP ID] get - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/hybrid/api/v2/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/environments/c02e8cc1 ... 3551dd0e0f75/deployments out - deployment_id: [DEPLOYMENT ID] out - deployment_operation: PATCH in - cpu_allocation_reserved: 500m in - cpu_allocation_limit: 1000m in - mem_allocation_reserved: 3500Mi in - mem_allocation_limit: 3500Mi in - is_clustered: false in - has_enforce_deploying_replicas_across_nodes: false in - public_url: mule4-workerinfo.api-dev.example.org in - has_last_mile_security: false in - has_forward_ssl_session: false in - update_strategy: rolling in - num_replicas: 1 in - env_client_id: [CLIENT ID] in - env_client_secret: [CLIENT SECRET] patch - endpoint: https://anypoint.mulesoft.com/hybrid/api/v2/organizations/8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257/environments/c02e8cc1 ... 3551dd0e0f75/deployments/e603a524 ... f53c286ab090 { "name": "mule4-workerinfo-dev", "target": { "provider": "MC", "targetId": "54111d24 ... 1deed5227103", "deploymentSettings": { "resources": { "cpu": { "reserved": "500m", "limit": "1000m" }, "memory": { "reserved": "3500Mi", "limit": "3500Mi" } }, "clustered": false, "enforceDeployingReplicasAcrossNodes": false, "http": { "inbound": { "publicUrl": "mule4-workerinfo.api-dev.example.org" } }, "jvm": {}, "runtimeVersion": "4.3.0:20210322-3", "lastMileSecurity": false, "forwardSslSession": false, "updateStrategy": "rolling" }, "replicas": 1 }, "application": { "ref": { "groupId": "8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257", "artifactId": "mule4-workerinfo", "version": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c", "packaging": "jar" }, "assets": [], "desiredState": "STARTED", "configuration": { "mule.agent.application.properties.service": { "applicationName": "mule4-workerinfo-dev", "properties": { "mule.env": "dev", "anypoint.platform.client_id": "[CLIENT ID]", "anypoint.platform.client_secret": "[CLIENT SECRET]" } } } } } out - deployment_id: [DEPLOYMENT ID] out - deployment_status: APPLYING out - application_status: RUNNING out - application_desired_state: STARTED out - response: { "version": { "ref": "1.0.2-rc.1-4198581b5c7804800ece1cc716eb939b9e017b8c" }, "metadata": [ { "name": "group_id", "value": "8cc90329 ... 5db10edc3257"}, { "name": "artifact_id", "value": "mule4-workerinfo" } ] }
Docker images are typically uploaded to a central artifact repository. The following steps are optional and describe how to setup a local Docker registry and how to push the Anypoint Runtime Fabric Resource image to this local registry.
The local Docker registry can be accessed by external processes via HTTP/TLS, a self-signed certificate / key pair can be used, e.g.:
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -new -keyout domain.key -out domain.crt -days 365 -config san.cnf
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
C = NL
L = The Hague
O = MuleSoft
OU = Integration
CN = docker.registry.com
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = docker.registry.com
Note: SAN/DNS + NO passphrase required
The run
command can be used to start the local Docker registry + HTTP/TLS listen process based on the previously created certificate / key pair:
$ docker run -d \
--restart=always \
--name registry \
-v "$(pwd)"/certs:/certs \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/domain.crt \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/domain.key \
-p 10443:443 \
Note: the above example binds host port 10443 to container port 443, this can be any unused port of the host system
Add an entry for docker.registry.com
, e.g.:
localhost docker.registry.com
Execute the Docker build command to build the Docker image, e.g.:
$ docker build -t rtf-concourse-resource . --no-cache
The Docker image must be 'tagged' using the (local) Docker registry reference (e.g. docker.registry.com:10443
), e.g.:
$ docker tag rtf-concourse-resource docker.registry.com:10443/rtf-concourse-resource
Push the Docker image to the (local) Docker registry, e.g.:
$ docker push docker.registry.com:10443/rtf-concourse-resource
See ci for building and publishing this custom Concourse Resource Type image to a Docker repository using a Concourse pipeline.
See mule-concourse-pipeline-example for pipeline examples for Mule 4 applications.