
The yank/paste enhancement plugin for neovim.

Primary LanguageLua


The yank/paste enhancement plugin for neovim.

This plugin provides the following functionality.

  1. Save your all yank history automatically.
  2. Cycle yank history after paste via config.next_key and config.prev_key.



vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x' }, 'p', require('pasta.mapping').p)
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'x' }, 'P', require('pasta.mapping').P)

-- This is the default. You can omit `setup` call if you don't want to change this. 
require('pasta').config.next_key = vim.keycode('<C-n>')
require('pasta').config.prev_key = vim.keycode('<C-p>')
require('pasta').config.indent_key = vim.keycode(',')
require('pasta').config.indent_fix = true


  • Adjust indentation for line-wise paste
  • Improve macro handling
  • Support visual mode
  • Preview next/prev candidates