
Loads vimrc files that are above the opened file in the directory tree

Primary LanguageVimL

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2792

This script loads Vim configuration files at startup beginning
from the root directory down to the current working directory.

This is useful when you want to to set up a specific configuration that
is only loaded when you edit files within a certain directory.
Let's look at a common situation. To configure Vim depending on your
project, your tree would look like this:

~/projects  .................................. Your programming projects
~/projects/.vim  .......................... Vim settings for all your projects
~/projects/c-projects  ................ Your C projects
~/projects/c-projects/.vim  ........ Vim settings for your C projects
~/projects/php-projects  ........... Your PHP projects
~/projects/php-projects/.vim  ... Vim settings for your PHP projects

When you open the file ~/projects/c-projects/main.c the plugin loads
this files in the given order:


The scripts autoloads files with the name
