
Just a simple script I wrote for helping me with blogger.com's inconveniences.

Primary LanguagePython

Blogger.com Helper

Just a simple script I wrote for helping me with blogger.com's inconveniences. In fancier terms, I would call it a text processor engine, but I dunno how far that applies to this project.

What it does

It takes in input through the article.txt, does some python magic and outputs a out.txt file with the converted text. It uses symbols as the first word for it's conversion.

an example:


p bruh moment
# lol

p some text here *too*


<span style="font-family: Comfortaa; font-size: medium;">bruh moment</span><br>
<span style="font-family: Comfortaa; font-size: xx-large;">lol</span><br>
<span style="font-family: Comfortaa; font-size: medium;">some text here <b>too</b></span><br>

What do the symbols mean?

The symbols borrow their origin partially from Markdown (a file type).

Symbol Description
# Huge Title
## Smaller Title
p Paragraph
*text* Bold Text
[link-title](link) Links

Currently, this is the scope for the Script. I'll probably add more features in the near future as and when I need them!


The script has no dependencies, so just

git pull https://github.com/mulitate4/script_Blogging_helper

and then type in your text in article.txt. One thing to keep in mind is that, every line needs to begin with a symbol from the table above, and then the text after space after the symbol. This is kinda like Markdown, so if you're familiar with it, you should be able to grasp this too. Not a lotta people would use this but I might just make a .exe version for this.