
Create a basic news app with no database [express]

Primary LanguageHTMLOtherNOASSERTION

Making Headlines - Daily Planet

Daily Planet

Welcome to the Daily Planet. We need your superhuman developer skills to help us share news with the world. We've seen that you have some Express knowledge and need you to make us a MVP website as soon as possible.

You'll need to use a JSON file of articles to create and display articles.

##Getting Started

For your first Express deliverable, we'll be setting everything up from scratch. In the future, we'll start using a template, complete with linters and all!

Setting Up the Server

To get going we need to set up a basic Express server (see today's notes for full details).

  • Fork/clone this repository
  • Run npm init in the directory
  • Install express, ejs, and body-parser via npm
  • Create an index.js file
  • Setup a basic Express server with a root route

Use this for your basic root route just to make sure it is working.

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.send('HELLO TACO!!!');

At this point you should be able to run nodemon and then go to http://localhost:3000 and see "HELLO TACO!!!".


Create a home page with a view

  • Create a views folder
  • Create a file for your home page: index.ejs
  • Add HTML to the file created above
  • Render the index page on your root route
    • Don't forget to set up your EJS view engine

Change your root route to render your home page (index.ejs)

app.get('/', function(req, res) {

STOP At this point we should be able to go to localhost:3000 and see an html page that is the result of the contents of what is in index.ejs. If you'd like, feel free to use partials for parts of this page.

Data setup

To store data, we can read and write files using the fs module. Specifically, we can read and write JSON files. Create a file called data.json in the project and create a JSON object with a sample article.

    "title": "Article title",
    "body": "This is the first article body"

We can read this file using functions provided by fs. Note that fs stands for file system, and it's included with Node (no need to install it via npm). Here are some examples you may want to play with.

Read a JSON file

var fs = require('fs');
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync('./data.json');
var data = JSON.parse(fileContents);

Write a JS object to a JSON file

var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFileSync('./data.json', JSON.stringify(data));


You'll need to create the following articles routes:

  • GET /
    • view: views/index.ejs
    • purpose: Serve the homepage of your site.
  • GET /articles
    • view: views/articles/index.ejs
    • purpose: displays a list of all articles
  • GET /articles/new
    • view: views/articles/new.ejs
    • purpose: displays a form that users use to create a new article
  • POST /articles
    • view: none (redirects to /articles after the article is created)
    • purpose: creates a new article (adds to articles array and saves the file)
  • GET /articles/:id
    • view: views/articles/show.ejs
    • purpose: find an article by id in the array of articles and display it.

Static Pages

Create the following routes for static pages. You can use EJS with these pages, but you won't be passing any data.

  • GET /about serve a static about daily planet page.
  • GET /contact serve a static contact page.


Your EJS views should be organized using folders. Here is an example.

- express-daily-planet
  - views
    - articles
      - index.ejs
      - new.ejs
      - show.ejs
    - site
      - index.ejs
      - about.ejs
      - contact.ejs

Styling (Bootstrap, Materialize, etc.)

Style the page and include a navigation bar to help the user navigate the site. Note that this is a news site, so style accordingly.

What about static files, like CSS and front-end JS?

We're getting to the big leagues now, so we'll let you figure that out on your own. Express documentation is a useful resource.


Add a search form

  • Create a search form (can be on home page or articles index)
  • Accept q query string on your articles route /articles?q=search+term
    • find how to access the query string from the request (Hint: the query isn't in req.params)
    • displays list of articles filtered by search term
    • ensure the route still works without a query string (displays all articles)
  • There's no magic back-end solution to filtering! Use what you know about setting up routes, figure out how to access the query string and use regular JavaScript logic and array manipulation to build up an array of results.


  1. All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.