
https://twitter.com/HarveyMultani/status/1279610598012182529 https://twitter.com/_patriciamou/status/1285727759872823296

  • First generation
    • Self reported
      • Location
      • Personal traits
      • Match criteria
    • Photo and text heavy
    • Not double opt-in
      • Anyone could message anyone
  • Second generation
    • Machine reported
      • Location
    • Self reported
      • Personal traits
      • Match criteria
    • Photo heavy, minimal text
    • Double opt-in
      • Both parties have to swipe to opt-in
  • Third generation
    • Taking into account
      • Genetics
      • Financial behavior
      • Purchasing behavior
      • Media consumption behavior
      • Communication styles
        • Email
        • text, etc ingestion.
        • Async video messaging.
  • My preferences that no dating app currently captures unless I self report them in plain text in a text prompt
    • Higher friction with
      • shift workers
      • people who don't like their work on tactical or strategic level
      • Are tightly scheduled throughout the day
      • can't work from home/anywhere
    • Prefer
      • People who
        • take their health seriously and quantify their health metrics
        • understand the basics of personal finance or are willing to learn
        • Understand that the laws of physics, economics, etc. apply to them
        • Are direct and concise communicators
        • Can decide to be at a specific time and place and take steps to ensure that they are there. They also can provide notice if there are not able to be there.
        • Optimistic determinists
        • Have healthy relationships with their families of origin or are taking active steps to manage any concerns
        • High H factor, as per Hexaco

Biggest issue with current platforms is relatively low bar for compatibility. If romantic component of relationship ends, often not enough compatibility to continue even a platonic relationship. Losing compounding benefits of a long term relationship of any kind. Ideally would only match with people that a person would have a strong platonic basis to connect over.


  • Add a bounty for referrals?