
Practice for the tech assessment by building a full stack app that handles get and post requests.

Setup Instructions

  1. FORK! this repo
  2. Clone the fork to your local machine
  3. Make branch
  4. Open pull request to upstream master

Project Instructions

  1. Create an express server
  2. Add GET request route (/api/cobras) that responds similar to below: [ {id: 1, name: 'bob', db:'sql', frontend: 'jquery'}, {id: 2, name: 'alice', db:'noSql', frontend: 'angular'}, ... ]
  3. POST request route (/api/cobras
  4. Create a database connection to a noSQL db (Mongo at mLab recommended)
  5. Create a database connection to a SQL db (SQLite recommended)
  6. Create the following frontends
  7. Vanilla HTML / jquery
  8. Backbone
  9. angular
  10. React
  11. Each frontend should
  12. Let the user select the database from which they want to pull (sql or noSql)
  13. Assign the frontend's type as the 'frontend' property for an object's being submitted
  14. Render any cobra objects on the database while indicating which db it came from