
Python object API for Form.io (JSON) data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

formio-data (Python)

Form.io (JSON) data API for Python.

For information about Form.io, see Form.io homepage


python-formio-data is a Python package, which loads and transforms Form.io Builder JSON and Form JSON into usable Python objects. It's main aim is to provide easy access to a Form its components/fields, also captured as Python objects, which makes this API very versatile and usable.

Notes about terms:

  • Builder: The Form Builder which is the design/blueprint of a Form.
  • Form: A filled-in Form, aka Form submission.
  • Component: Input (field) or layout component in the Form Builder and Form.


  • Compatible with Python 3.3 and later
  • Constructor of the Builder and Form class, only requires the JSON and an optional language code for translations.
  • Get a Form object its Components as a usable object e.g. datetime, boolean, dict (for select component) etc.
  • Open source (MIT License)


The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at: https://github.com/novacode-nl/python-formio-data

PyPI - Python Package Index

Binary installers for the latest released version are available at the Python Package Index

pip(3) install formio-data

Source Install

Convenient for developers. Also useful for running the (unit)tests.

git clone git@github.com:novacode-nl/python-formio-data.git
pip(3) install -U -e python-formio-data

Optional dependencies

To support conditional visibility using JSON logic, you can install the json-logic-qubit package (the json-logic package it is forked off of is currently unmaintained). It's also possible to install it via the pip feature json_logic like so:

pip(3) install -U formio-data[json_logic]




All contributions, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome.

Usage examples

For more examples of usage, see the unit-tests.

>> from formiodata import Builder, Form
# builder_json is a Form.io Builder JSON document (text/string)
# form_json is a Form.io Form JSON document (text/string)
>> builder = Builder(builder_json)
>> form = Form(builder, form_json)

# input components

# textfield label
>> print(form.input_components['firstname'].label)
'First Name'

# textfield value
>> print(form.input_components['firstname'].value)

# datetime label
>> print(form.input_components['birthday'].label)

# datetime value
>> print(form.input_components['birthday'].value)
datetime.date(2009 10 16)

# datagrid (rows property)
>> print(form.input_components['datagridMeasurements'].rows)
  {'measurementDatetime': <datetimeComponent>, 'measurementFahrenheit': <numberComponent>}, 
  {'measurementDatetime': <datetimeComponent>, 'measurementFahrenheit': <numberComponent>}

>> for row in form.input_components['datagridMeasurements'].rows:
>>    dtime = row['measurementDatetime']
>>    fahrenheit = row['measurementFahrenheit']
>>    print(%s: %s, %s: %s' % (dt.label, dt.value, fahrenheit.label, fahrenheit.value))

Datetime: datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 8, 11, 39, 0, 296487), Fahrenheit: 122
Datetime: datetime.datetime(2021, 5, 8, 11, 41, 5, 919943), Fahrenheit: 131

# alternative example, by getattr
>> print(form.data.firstname.label)
'First Name'

>> print(form.data.firstname.value)

# components (layout, input etc.)

# columns
>> print(form.components['addressColumns'])

>> print(form.components['addressColumns'].rows)
  {'firstName': <textfieldComponent>, 'lastName: <textfieldComponent>}, 
  {'email': <emailComponent>, 'companyName: <textfieldComponent>}

Unit tests


Internet access is recommended for running the filecStorageUrlComponentTestCase, because this also tests the URL Storage (type).
If no internet access, this test won't fail and a WARNING shall be logged regarding a ConnectionError.

Run all unittests

From toplevel directory:

python(3) -m unittest

Run all component unittests

python(3) -m unittest tests/test_nested_components.py

Run specific component unittest

python3 -m unittest tests.test_component_day.dayComponentTestCase.test_get_form_dayMonthYear