
Clojure implementation of multistream codecs

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Clojure implementation of multistream codecs

A Clojure library implementing the multistream standard. This provides a content-agnostic way to prefix binary data with its encoding in a way that is both human and machine-readable.

Table of Contents


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The multistream.codec namespace contains the main library API, with codecs generally defined in multistream.codec.* namespaces. The library models codecs generically using three main protocols:

  • An EncoderStream represents an open output which values can be written to using codec/write!.
  • A DecoderStream is the other end, a stream of values consumed by calling codec/read!.
  • The Codec protocol specifies several methods which define how to select and compose the codec with others to produce streams.

To demonstrate, let's see a simple direct codec usage:

=> (require
     '[multistream.codec :as codec]
     '[multistream.codec.text :refer [text-codec])

; The text codec converts between characters and bytes using a charset:
=> (def text (text-codec))

=> text
{:default-charset #<sun.nio.cs.UTF_8@11207688 UTF-8>,
 :buffer-size 512}

; What header would this codec use by default?
=> (codec/select-header text nil)

; We can test what sort of headers a codec can handle:
=> (codec/processable? text "/foo")

=> (codec/processable? text "/text/UTF-8")

; The text codec can even handle other charsets:
=> (codec/processable? text "/text/US-ASCII")

; Text encoding turns strings into bytes:
=> (def encoded (codec/encode text "abc 123!"))

=> (map char encoded)
(\formfeed \/ \t \e \x \t \/ \U \T\ F\- \8 \newline \a \b \c \space \1 \2 \3 \!)

; Decoding reads bytes into a string:
=> (codec/decode text encoded)
"abc 123!"

The encode and decode functions provide a simple way to use a codec directly, returning and consuming byte arrays respectively. As seen above, the encoded form will include the codec header and verify it on decode.

Codec Construction

The CodecFactory protocol provides a constructor for encoder and decoder streams, using some saved configuration. The easiest way to use these together is with a multicodec factory. Let's introduce some more codecs to make the example interesting:

=> (require
     '[multistream.codec.transform :refer [transform-codec]]
     '[multistream.codec.compress :refer [gzip-codec]])

=> (def multicodec
       :gzip (gzip-codec)
       :text (text-codec)
       :xform (transform-codec "/foo"
                :decode-fn clojure.string/upper-case)))

The transform-codec is wrapper which provides hooks for running some transformation functions before encoding and after decoding, associated with a header. The gzip-codec will wrap compression encoding around all bytes after it. Finally, we've grouped the codecs into a single multicodec factory. Note that the codecs don't have any explicit dependencies on each other; they compose generically.

To construct new encoder streams, we must now provide a sequence of selectors to choose which codecs to invoke:

=> (def encoded
     (let [baos (java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
       (with-open [encoder (codec/encoder-stream
                             [:xform :gzip :text]
         (codec/write! encoder "hello multistream")
         (codec/write! encoder ", how are you?"))
       (.toByteArray baos)))

=> (count encoded)

; Note the headers are composed in the output - we can't take more characters
; here because the rest of the data is compressed, including the text header.
=> (map char (take 14 encoded))
(\ \/ \f \o \o \newline \ \/ \g \z \i \p \/ \newline)

To read the data back, we can construct a decoder stream using the same factory. This time however, there are no selectors, since the headers are read from the input stream directly to choose codecs.

=> (with-open [decoder (codec/decoder-stream
                         (java.io.ByteArrayInputStream. encoded))]
     (prn (::codec/headers decoder))
     (codec/read! decoder))
; ("/foo" "/gzip/" "/text/UTF-8")

Let's unpack what happened in the above example:

  • In order to construct the decoder stream, the factory read the first header from the input stream. It is /foo, and the factory matches this against the :xform codec, which is used to wrap the input stream.
  • In this case, the transform-codec doesn't modify the input stream, so the factory reads the next header from the stream. It is /gzip/, and matches the :gzip codec, which wraps the input stream in a GZIPInputStream to decompress it.
  • The result is still an InputStream, so the factory reads the next header again. This time it is /text/UTF-8, so the :text codec wraps the input and returns a TextDecoderStream.
  • Now the factory takes the decoder stream and wraps it back up the codecs in reverse order to return the final stream to the user.
  • The decoder stream has the read codecs available under the :multistream.codec/headers key.
  • Finally, the result shows that the decoding function in the transform codec is upcasing everything read back from the encoded data.

Codec Composition

When the multicodec factory composes codecs together to create streams, the wrapping happens in two stages. First, the byte stream is passed through each codec in the order given, and may elect to wrap the stream before passing it to the next codec. The final codec must be a format codec, which creates a value stream from a raw byte stream. The value stream is then wrapped by each codec in reverse order, and the user receives the final stream.

stream construction

The above example illustrates the code examples above. The xform and gzip codecs are wrappers around the text format. The result will be a composite stream which writes out gzip-compressed UTF-8 text, which will always be read back in all upper-case.

Implementing Codecs

The multistream.codec namespace includes some utility macros for defining new codecs and streams:

  • defencoder defines an EncoderStream record. The first method should be write! and any other protocol/interface implementations may follow. This record implements java.io.Closeable automatically and will attempt to close the first record attribute defined, so make sure this is the wrapped stream.
  • defdecoder defines a DecoderStream record. The first method should be read! and any other protocol/interface implementations may follow. Similar to defencoder, this implements Closeable on the first attribute. Additionally, the resulting streams implement IReduceInit to repeatedly read and operate on values from the stream.
  • defcodec defines a Codec record with default no-op implementations for every protocol method. This allows for implementing just the methods you need to override in the codec.

As a simple example, this is the entire gzip codec implementation:

(defcodec GZIPCodec

    [this selector output-stream]
    (GZIPOutputStream. ^OutputStream output-stream))

    [this header input-stream]
    (GZIPInputStream. ^InputStream input-stream)))

The other included codecs should provide some useful examples as well.


Captain: @greglook.


Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.

Check out our contributing document for more information on how we work, and about contributing in general. Please be aware that all interactions related to multiformats are subject to the IPFS Code of Conduct.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.